• Salem Maritime Welcomes
    Waite & Peirce
    Exotic Goods to Derby Wharf
  • Our history

  • Salem shipping partners Aaron Waite (1742-1830) and Jerathmiel Peirce (1747-1827), owners of the original Friendship, conducted business for almost 50 years from Salem and Beverly, Massachusetts. Their ships visited ports around the world, from the West Indies to Canton and Archangel, Russia, to Isle de France in the Indian Ocean.

  • Our Treasures

    • Explore the exclusive line of Waite & Peirce apparel, jewelry, home goods, historical reproductions, collectibles, toys and gifts. Make a statement with a handcrafted locally made piece such as a handsome pottery by Henderson’s Redware or a functional tote bag made of recycled sail cloths by Sea Bags of Maine.

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